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From copying & pasting signatures to centralising the entire signature management process

Healthcare Technology
Company size: 50+ employees
Mail Client:
Mailtastic Plan:
Email Signature Marketing

Climedo, a software provider for conducting clinical trials, uses Mailtastic to:

  • Simplify their email signature management for the marketing team.
  • Regularly share updates such as current webinars in their emails.
  • Create professional and appealing signatures for all employees.


Branded email signatures company-wide

Whenever updates were required for Climedo's signatures, the marketing team resorted to circulating internal emails to keep all employees informed. 

In addition, there were increasing requests from departments to customise signatures for their individual roles and departments.

During our conversation with Catherine Higginson, she shared insights on how Mailtastic has streamlined signature management, making it more efficient for her colleagues to personalise their signatures according to recipients.

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"The best part is that we can adjust all signatures for all employees with just one click, without them having to do anything."

Catherine Higginson, Marketing & Communications Lead @Climedo


Before Mailtastic

Significant manual effort

What problem did you want to solve with Mailtastic?

"Before Mailtastic, we sent an internal email every month to share any new signatures with everyone. It was very simple: address, logo, a link to our news, for example, if we were mentioned in the press, and a 'Subscribe to our Newsletter' CTA, but no images. Colleagues then had to copy it and save it in their Gmail settings.

Most of the time, we only noticed by chance if someone hadn't implemented it or hadn't done it correctly. With the growing number of employees, the process was not particularly sustainable. Some forgot about it and ended up with outdated links or addresses in their signatures, or the formatting was incorrect."

What has this meant for your day-to-day work?

"It was definitely time-consuming to come up with new ideas, set everything up manually and then inform everyone about it. There was also the question of whether all employees would actually update their signatures or not. Ultimately, it meant extra work for everyone.


With Mailtastic

How Climedo uses Mailtastic

What has changed at Climedo since the introduction of Mailtastic?

"The best part is that we can update all signatures for all employees with just one click, without them having to do anything. We can regularly roll out new campaigns, for example, when we have a new webinar or whitepaper, and we can also track what was clicked on the most.

We benefit from the advantages of Mailtastic and can ensure that no one works with outdated signatures anymore. Employees can also decide for themselves whether they want to show a product banner or an upcoming webinar, or whether an employer branding banner is more suitable and relevant for the recipient.

They have more flexibility and can choose from various banners, and everyone finds Mailtastic very simple to use and intuitive."

Which marketing campaigns do you use Mailtastic for?

We have banner campaigns for our latest webinars, whitepapers, products and employer branding. Most people use the webinars banner because it always shows the latest events. This is replaced whenever a new webinar is scheduled. The employer branding and product campaigns are more static unless there is a change in the messaging.

For example, it is so handy that our Customer Success team can customise selected fields in their signatures. The team needs the option to insert their meeting link so that customers can easily book a meeting. It's very convenient that they can do all of that themselves now. The same applies to out-of-office times. For customers, this is important information they need to know in advance."

What results have you achieved with Mailtastic?

"Our most successful campaigns are our webinar campaigns. The banners always include a CTA, the date and the topic. It adds relevance to their emails and makes their signatures stand out. Our best click-through rate so far was 2.14%."





Why Climedo recommends Mailtastic

  1. Usability & Support
    "Mailtastic is very modern and easy to use and the overall user interface is very appealing. Mailtastic's Customer Success always responds very quickly when I write in the chat and there is always a solution."
  2. Suitable package
    "Mailtastic is the perfect package for us. We needed a tool to manage signatures faster and easier, create consistent and professional signatures, and promote our current marketing messages. That's exactly what we got. Mailtastic saves time, provides more structure for everyone, and is an additional marketing channel."
  3. Flexibility
    "We can now offer different signatures for different departments. As mentioned earlier, this is helpful for our Customer Success team. Additionally, we can provide multiple banners, and when sending, only the most appropriate banner can be selected and will be inserted into the email."

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