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A guide on sales and marketing email signatures

Sales and marketing is about nurturing relationships. This guide will tell you how email signatures can help you turn leads into customers.

A career in sales and B2B marketing is like being in a relationship. 


Contacting your leads is the first date. 💬 It’s new and exciting, and you’re trying to figure each other out.

Then some of your leads become prospects. That's when you start to see each other, and you become more convinced about what they bring to the table. 😍

Finally, you're both ready to take a leap of faith and make things official. That's when the prospect becomes a customer.  👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏼

Obviously, things might not go quite as smoothly as this. And when this is the case, your email signature - yes, your email signature - can help. 

Want to find out more? Then check out this guide.

We’ll cover: 

  1. Why you need an email signature if you’re in marketing or sales. 
  2. What to consider when you’re creating your marketing and sales email signature. 

Scroll 👇  or use the menu to find out more.


What are the benefits of sales and marketing email signatures? 🤔

An email signature helps you level up your sales and marketing outreach. Here's why: 

It's personal 👤

In marketing and sales, you need an omni-channel strategy. That's because you're nurturing relationships across a ton of different touchpoints.

Email is a key part of that and one of the biggest opportunities prospects get to interact with a real human being.

As people buy from people, you can use your email signature to connect with prospects on a deeper level. 

For example, adding a professional photograph of yourself helps to humanise your email conversations and gain prospects' trust. 

It's professional 👩‍⚖️

Appearing professional is key in sales and marketing, especially when you consider the stereotypes about both industries. 

That’s where an email signature comes in handy. 

With one, you can show you’re serious about your job and make yourself accountable to prospects, giving you a better chance of continuing conversations with them outside of the email chain. 

It sparks conversations 💬

In marketing or sales, it's your job to guide a prospect through a journey so they take an action. And a customised email signature can help you do this.  

By including calls-to-action (CTAs) in the form of clickable buttons, banners, and icons you can direct recipients towards the action you want them to take

And once you’ve made your marketing and sales emails clickable, recipients will engage with you and the products or services you’ve got to offer. 


What are the best practices for sales and marketing email signatures? 🔝 

To make sure your marketing and sales email signature gets the desired results, there are a few things you need to remember. Be sure to: 👇

Include basic information 📞

Relationships are in hot water the moment communication breaks down. 

That means the second recipients find it hard to contact you, you're in trouble. 

So before you create any other part of your email signature, include:

Basic information to include in your sales email signature

Include a professional photograph 📷

Including a professional photograph is the best way to personalise your emails. 

Recipients can put a face to a name, meaning you can warm them up before you jump on a call or demo. 

Just remember these tips when you’re taking your photo: 

Basics of a good email signature photograph

Include relevant CTAs ⏭️

CTAs are the most effective additions to your signature if you’re in marketing and sales. 

That's because recipients are one click away from accessing your line of products, services, and content. 

As recipients get value from the content, your relationship with them grows, meaning they’ll progress through the demand generation funnel

Now it’s easy to get carried away, because there’s lots of CTAs to choose from. And if you include every single one, you'll overwhelm the recipient, and make it harder for them to take an action.

Instead think about the CTAs that’ll help with your business needs. 

If you’re stuck, here’s a list for inspiration 👇 

Clickable phone number ☎️

Having a clickable phone number helps optimise the UX of your email signature.

That’s because it saves your recipients time and effort manually copying and pasting your phone number. 

When you pay attention to details like this, you have a higher chance of building and maintaining relationships with them.

Social media icons 📱

Adding social media icons to your email signature is a no brainer. 

That’s because it’s the quickest way for recipients to find out more about you, and what you’re selling or marketing.

But don’t include every account. 

Link the profiles that are going to be the most beneficial to your career or business needs.


LinkedIn social icon

LinkedIn is helpful for a couple of reasons if you’re in marketing and sales: 

  • Recipients need to verify you’re a real person. So if you link a LinkedIn profile, you’re giving leads and prospects more information about you and your background. 
  • You can make your next career move. Recipients of your emails might be recruiters, so they’ll be able to see your LinkedIn profile. And if there’s a job vacancy they think you’d be a good fit for, they’ll message you. 

Instagram social icon

Sometimes company websites can be overwhelming for recipients. 

Instagram’s a good alternative, because of features like story highlights and reels. Using these, recipients can find out about the company you work for in a more accessible way. 

Instagram’s also effective for updating recipients on the latest developments taking place in the company you work for. 

As long as the profile is regularly updated with fresh content, link the company profile on your email signature. 

Clickable company logo ⬇️

Save recipients time manually looking up the company you work for by hiring a logo designer to help with your brand identity.

Link your company’s logo on your email signature, so guesswork is taken out from the very start for your recipients. 

And the icing on the cake? 

Brand awareness! Because the more emails that are sent, the more recipients are reminded of the company, meaning you’ll be top of mind when they make buying decisions.

Clickable calendar icon 🗓️

Scheduling meetings can be a nightmare.

From clashing dates and times through to endless back and forth emailing trying to set something up. Meanwhile, you’ve lost out on time that could’ve been spent on a new campaign or prospecting a cold lead.  

Avoid this issue with a clickable link to your calendar of availability. 

You can also use a calendar icon as an opportunity to link your company’s upcoming online and in-person events. 

Let’s say you’re a panelist on an upcoming B2B sales webinar. When recipients click on the calendar icon they’ll be redirected to a site where they can sign up and get tickets. 

Tailor the CTA to where you're at in the funnel ✅

Make the copy on your CTA as specific as possible. 

Don’t go with a one-size-fits-all approach, because there’s different phrases for different stages of the marketing or sales funnel. 

Here are some ideas:

CTAs to include in your sales and marketing email signature

Include formal phrasing 👔

Recipients will be paying attention to every single part of your email signature, so it’s important not to cut corners. 

So be sure that you don’t sign off your email with informal phrases like “Cheers”. 

Opt for phrases like:

Formal greetings to include in your sales or marketing email signature

Sales and marketing email signature key takeaways 🗝️

That was a lot of info. 

So here's everything you need to remember about your sales and marketing email signature:

  • If you’re in marketing or sales, email signatures will help you to professionalise and personalise your emails. 
  • With an email signature, you’ll leave a lasting impression which will help you to drive conversation and nurture relationships with recipients. 

Remember to include:

  • Basic contact information.
  • Relevant CTAs that match where you’re at in the funnel. 
  • Formal phrasing to sign off. 

And there you have it! That’s everything you need to know about marketing and sales email signatures. 

It’ll make your colleagues say #relationshipgoals every time you get a new lead, prospect and customer.



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